Hello World!

I really struggled to write this first post- I wanted to find a way to perfectly encapsulate my goals for this blog, and introduce myself in a concise, entertaining, thoughtful, and of course, wonderfully witty way. (In an ideal world, my writing would rival Aaron Sorkin’s.) I asked for advice, assembling a “brain trust” of mentors and advisors to help critique my drafts and give their thoughts; I edited and deleted- and every day, I would find something interesting online or in a book or article, and I would think, “That would be a great post! Once I write my introduction post, I can write about that!” Days and days passed, and I had a stockpile of ideas for a second, third, fourth, fifth post, but was absolutely stumped by how to write the first one.

Luckily, I had a great advisor in grad school, and one of her favorite sayings is: “Be transparent.” This morning, I imagined that I could hear her saying that to me again, and it pushed me over the hump.

So here is my first post- it’s not on the same continent as Aaron Sorkin’s writing, nor do I think it is particularly witty or concise, but I hope that it will serve as the jumping-off point I need to bring (hopefully) thought-provoking, multi-media content and resources to you. It is my sincere hope that whatever I bring will serve you in your career, with your patients, families, colleagues, and perhaps, your family.

For more information about me and my goals for this blog, check out the “About Emily” and “About healplaylove” pages.

Thank you so much for reading.