5 Things

Here are five things I’m loving this week:

Wonderful quote from the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, in response to President Obama’s address on immigration: “Children are not a political problem, they are a national treasure.”  So true!  https://twitter.com/AmerAcadPeds/status/535605200154005504

One of the search-and-rescue dogs who worked with teams on 9/11 is now working as a therapy animal and helping elementary school children learn to read.  What an incredibly selfless life– and what a powerful statement about the impact an animal can have on healing!  http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/19/us/disaster-city-911-dog-search-and-rescue/

I’ve loved Life is Good Playmakers, ever since Steve Gross gave the keynote presentation at the Child Life Conference a few years ago.  Here’s another reason to love them: their phenomenal perspective on how to build relationships and foster connection between people– children and adults.  Inspiring stuff!  http://www.inc.com/bert-jacobs/what-for-profits-can-learn-from-non-profits.html

Partnerships are always a give-and-take, and a constant lesson in communication– it can be especially hard for parents, as the stakes (their child’s life and happiness!) are so high.  Here’s one parent’s take on how to find balance between parenting styles: http://www.dirtandboogers.com/when-mom-and-dad-have-different-parenting-styles-2/

If your family celebrates Christmas, here’s a creative way to get little kids involved in decorating in an age-appropriate and safe way: http://www.icanteachmychild.com/kid-friendly-christmas-tree/  How can you imagine this activity being adapted for a hospital environment?  For other holidays and events?

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